and the winner is…

“We are so honored to announce that a Purple Ribbon Awards $5,000.00 grant is presented to… Surviving Beauty Peer & Advocacy Services and founder Jessica Shank!” Wait… what?

I’m sure you are wondering how we got here. Let’s rewind a bit.

One thing is irrefutable, most people that end up working as advocates, directors, educators and more within the domestic violence community, have a personal connection that led them down that path. Mine is no different. It doesn’t really matter how I got the idea to form the organization, it just matters that we exist. One of a kind. Those are the services that we provide. If you call 99% of domestic violence shelters or services, they are likely going to provide emergency services like shelter and hospital accompaniment. You will likely find counseling, advocacy, perhaps that advocacy would extend to legal areas like criminal court and victims’ compensation. However, there is one area that is almost always left out of the mix - family court. I used to think that it was just an area that was overlooked, but then I started working in family court and realized that a void exists for a much different reason. Cost.

Attorneys are expensive, and in the event that you can find one to provide pro-bono services, those services aren’t going to last for 18 years. Even once a final custody or divorce order is granted to a survivor, it’s never over. Litigation abuse is one of the most common forms of post separation abuse. Contempt hearings for one missed phone call. Abusive parents that are able to get sole custody of their children because they have endless resources and connections. Victims and survivors that have no other alternative but to represent themselves in an industry that they not only have little to no understanding of, but because they are victims/survivors they lack the mental and emotional health to properly navigate the process. This is where Surviving Beauty comes in.

At its core the mission is to provide education, empowerment and support to victims and survivors of domestic violence, especially those that are facing family court challenges. We use social media, community outreach, educational options, workshops, and direct advocacy to help our clients through this extremely challenging time in their lives. Providing positive, impactful, and innovative service is the Surviving Beauty way, and one that we have been recognized for.

The Purple Ribbon Awards is a program through and the Alliance for HOPE International that recognizes the work and the people behind the scenes within the domestic violence community. In 2022, Founder and Executive Director, Jessica, was named a recipient of the Purple Ribbon, Survivor of the Year award - for not just surviving but for providing unparalleled service to the community. Again in 2023, Jessica was named a recipient of a Purple Ribbon Award, this time for Legal Advocate of the Year. Judged by a panel of experts and peers, Jessica, on behalf of Surviving Beauty, was named one of the top 5 winners that received a grant to continue to provide services to those in need.

From the bedroom of her abusive home, to Purple Ribbon Award winner. Jessica and Surviving Beauty truly go above and beyond to help others in their time of need.

